How do I know I should reach out for support?
If you’re wondering, that means you should reach out! Every breastfeeding parent with a newborn can benefit from support, whether you’ve never breastfed before, or this is your fifth time doing it. Consider scheduling a free 15 minute phone consultation to learn how lactation services can benefit your relationship with your new baby.
I am here to support you with breastfeeding struggles and victories alike. If you are experiencing pain with latching, if anything about nursing or pumping is uncomfortable or difficult, if you are looking for support with weaning, if you are struggling with baby’s appropriate weight gain, I’m here.
I can also advise you on returning to work, exclusive pumping, low supply, supplementation and combo feeding, tandem nursing, and more.
What do I need for a successful virtual visit?
You will need an internet connection, and a phone, tablet, or computer with camera. It’s best if you have a helper with you during your visit who can hold the camera for you, and make it easier to see all the angles needed to assess you and your baby.
Please sit somewhere comfortable, and have with you whatever items you usually use for a feeding or pumping session (pillows or cushions, your pump and supplies, any supplementation equipment, etc.)
What is a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC)?
Per the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice: “The Certified Lactation Counselor® (CLC®) certification identifies a professional in lactation counseling who has demonstrated the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to provide clinical breastfeeding counseling and management support to families who are thinking about breastfeeding or who have questions or problems during the course of breastfeeding/lactation.”
CLCs provide one-on-one virtual or in-person lactation consultations, breastfeeding and pumping classes, and support to empower breastfeeding and pumping parents.
Details about the scope of practice of a CLC can be found here.
I do not hesitate to refer up to an IBCLC as needed. It might be surprising to learn that the vast majority of breastfeeding concerns fall within the scope of practice of a CLC and do not require a higher level of consultation. If you have questions about which care provider might be right for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. If I am not the right provider for you, I am happy to help you find the person who is!
What helpful resources can you recommend?
I have built a page of curated resources that you can access here.
Do you accept insurance?
I do not currently accept insurance, however I can provide a Superbill for you to submit to your insurance for potential out-of-network reimbursement. You will still need to pay upfront if requesting a Superbill. I do accept HSA or FSA payment at my cash rate. If you cannot pay my cash rate, please contact me for options for financial hardship.
I plan to exclusively pump, is this something you can help with?
Most definitely! I am very experienced in the realm of exclusive pumping and mostly pumping, and happy to help you meet your feeding goals no matter how your baby is being fed.
I mostly use formula, combo-feed, or intend to switch to formula completely. Is working with a CLC something that could help me?
Absolutely! I am here to support and empower you on your feeding journey, and can provide non-judgmental guidance and support however you are feeding your baby.